Explore GBTA publications related to industry reports and timely insights on urgent sustainability topics.

Sustainable Procurement Criteria
The GBTA Sustainable Procurement Criteria is a consolidated bank of ESG questions for procurement that aligns with international sustainability standards. It enables corporate travel buyers to assess the sustainability efforts of suppliers in a consistent and harmonized manner.

The State of Climate Action in Business Travel: Global Industry Barometer 2023
Based on responses from 863 responses business travel professionals across North America, Europe, Latin America, and Asia Pacific, this report gives a pulse on the uptake of sustainability practices in the global business travel sector.

2022-2023 GBTA Foundation Progress Report
Relaunching the GBTA Foundation in 2022, marked an important moment for GBTA and its mission. Our first progress report offers insights into the journey thus far and a preview of where we’re headed.

Managing Emissions from Business Travel
Companies are practicing different strategies to decarbonize their travel programs. These include: demand management policies, better point-of-sale information with lower carbon options, partnering with responsible providers, and investing in decarbonization solutions.

GBTA Accessibility Toolkit
The Accessibility Toolkit is a comprehensive guide designed to guide and engage travel managers and suppliers in the implementing policies and best practices for accessible business travel. This must-have resource empowers travel managers and buyers to foster more accessible policies and practices, while facilitating industry collaboration on the path to comprehensive inclusivity in business travel.

2023 GBTA Foundation Progress Report
In only our first full year since being relaunched, the GBTA Foundation is already fulfilling its mission of promoting, supporting, and encouraging progress for People and Planet. Our latest progress report details the Foundation’s work in 2023, along with a glimpse into what’s on the horizon.

The State of Climate Action in Business Travel: Global Industry Barometer 2023
Based on responses from 863 responses business travel professionals across North America, Europe, Latin America, and Asia Pacific, this report gives a pulse on the uptake of sustainability practices in the global business travel sector.

GBTA Foundation 2022 Progress Report
Relaunching the GBTA Foundation in 2022, marked an important moment for GBTA and its mission. Our first progress report offers insights into the journey thus far and a preview of where we’re headed.

Managing Emissions from Business Travel
Companies are practicing different strategies to decarbonize their travel programs. These include: demand management policies, better point-of-sale information with lower carbon options, partnering with responsible providers, and investing in decarbonization solutions.

2022 State of Sustainability in Business Travel
This study presents collective research results from industry professionals and external stakeholders. It benchmarks sustainability in global business travel, identifies key challenges, and highlights opportunities to create a more sustainable future for the sector.

GBTA Sustainability Toolkit
The sustainability toolkit guides travel managers in their sustainability journey and empowers them to partner with their colleagues, employees, and suppliers to reduce the climate impact of business travel.