GBTA Sustainability Acceleration Challenge

Advancing the Global Business Travel Industry to Net Zero

The GBTA Sustainability Acceleration Challenge aims to mobilize organizations of all sizes and in all geographies, to start, advance, and accelerate the integration of practices that materially reduce their business travel emissions. It empowers corporate travel managers and buyers, together with their value chain, to take climate action and progress on the journey to Net Zero by 2050.

Steps to Success: What to expect for the Challenge

Complete the Maturity Assessment

Evaluate your organization or travel program’s sustainability maturity level across four categories of action.

Complete the Maturity Assessment

Evaluate your organization or travel program’s sustainability maturity level across four categories of action.
Take the Assesement Today

View Your Organization Score

Receive an individualized report for your organization, which benchmarks against your industry peers.

View Your Organization Score

Receive an individualized report for your organization, which benchmarks against your industry peers.

Coming November 2024

See where the Industry Stands

View the aggregated industry results in a public, interactive dashboard where you can filter by region, segment, and size.

See where the Industry Stands

View the aggregated industry results in a public, interactive dashboard where you can filter by region, segment, and size.

Coming November 2024

Join the Challenge

Participate in the Challenge to accelerate progress by improving your score year-on- year, with industry leaders and changemakers recognized annually.

Join the Challenge

Participate in the Challenge to accelerate progress by improving your score year-on- year, with industry leaders and changemakers recognized annually.

Coming November 2024

Who should participate?

The Maturity Assessment is a free resource for GBTA members and non-members. Corporate travel managers and sustainability professionals from any organizations interested in accelerating progress towards climate-conscious business travel are invited to participate.

Organizational Benefit

Organizations will receive an individualized report which benchmarks against their peers. With these insights, companies can enhance sustainable practices, foster innovation, and work towards sustainability targets.

Individual Benefit

Gain insights into the sustainability maturity of your business travel program and how to improve, compare with industry peers, and contribute to industry-wide progress.

Take the Maturity Assessment Today

Why Participate in the Maturity Assessment

Want to know where you stand on reducing emissions from your corporate travel program? Taking the Maturity Assessment will allow you to benchmark internal performance, ask the right questions, and develop an action plan to work towards your sustainability targets. Completing this free exercise will involve evaluating your organization or travel program’s sustainability maturity level across four levers of action: travel decisions, emissions tracking, supplier engagement, and decarbonization.

Categories of sustainable action

Categories of sustainability action

Learn More About the Maturity Assessment

Take the Maturity Assessment Today

What to expect

Corporate travel managers and sustainability professionals from any organization interested in accelerating progress towards climate-conscious business travel are invited to participate in the Maturity Assessment. It includes 32 questions covering the four levers of action for sustainable business travel. It is free and open to any organization with a travel policy in any region. The assessment is available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Chinese.

Your information, responses, and Organization Report will be kept confidential unless explicit permission is granted by you to share.

Please plan to submit one assessment per organization or region, based on the scope of your travel program.

What to Accept
While taking the Assessment

While taking the assessment​

Completing the assessment may require collaboration with your organization’s colleagues in travel, sustainability, procurement, and other departments. You can download a copy of the questions below to collaborate with your team.

Assessment Questions – English >>
Assessment Questions – Spanish >>
Assessment Questions – French >>
Assessment Questions – Italian >>
Assessment Questions – Portuguese >>
Assessment Questions – Chinese >>

You can save your progress to gather the information from your team and return to completing the assessment at a later time.

After completion​

You can download a copy of your responses immediately upon completing the survey.

After the global survey closes, you will receive your bespoke Organization Report, which will include your results, compared against aggregated maturity scores for the industry.

After completion
In collaboration with
Accenture Logo

Start the Maturity Assessment

See where the industry stands

Discover the pulse of sustainable business travel practices with an interactive global Dashboard brought to you by the GBTA Foundation, in collaboration with Accenture.


Take the Maturity Assessment Today

Take the Maturity Assessment Today!
